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February 06, 2004




would you be able to tell me of some good yarn stores? i live in tokyo and i've been to some yuzawaya stores and okadayas, but i'm looking for something more...less generic? like the washi yarn you mentioned sounds awesome. thanks.

- janice.


That is some trippy yarn! I saw some "yarn" that was made up of that tyvek paper stuff. Very weird. I wonder if that washi stuff would disintegrate in the rain? Better wear some nice undergarments if you make yourself a top!


Pinku - not related to yarn, I'm afraid, but are you checking your mail while you're in Oz?


Is washi yarn like some kind of raffia? It looks like the stuff my Tongan kiekie is made from....


I can't read a word of japanese...I wish I could, I visited the website and saw pics of the yarn that they have...I love it and is would be dirt cheap in American dollars...too bad I don't know anyone who speaks and reads it.

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