It's quiz time at pinku!
I'm heading to India this weekend for work, so needless to say I've been doing some study about the great land known as India (which is derived from Greek you know...) Anyway, I am of course going to visit the Taj Mahal and that got me thinking - what are the seven ancient wonders of the world?? Go on and try and think of all seven. Now don't cheat and google it. Rules stipulate that you can only use the information currently stored in your brain. Leave your answers in the comments and I'll put up the correct answers tomorrow. Go on - play along - you know you want to.
Please note that there is an official list of the seven ancient wonders of the world and it doesn't include the Taj Mahal, but I am going to be lenient. Including the official seven, there are another seven 'wonders' that are often included in this list (e.g. Taj Mahal) - you can include those in your answers!!
Also if anyone has recommendations about what to do in Delhi - let me know!!!
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