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June 16, 2004



Damn you. Here I was thinking how lucky I was to be in super-cold Melbourne and avoid the Tokyo summer and now I'm thinking summer yukata (which still hasn't arrived amongst the many boxes we sent home) and all those merry beer-laden evenings under the sweaty fireworks-lit sky. I feel homesick now. Damn.


hey there kinkers, just try and focus on all the old salarymen that will be shoving their smelly armpits in my face on the train. trust me - you won't feel homesick anymore.


hooray warmer weather! i'll be in japan in a couple of weeks. get me out of this sydney winter...give me some warmth :)


I'm moving to Japan at the end of July and I'm thrilled to see that overwhelming humidity doesn't totally cancel out the good points of summer!


I love the new summer banner!

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