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June 10, 2004



Hi Pinku,
I'm a big fan writing from Kagoshima. I want in on the earring swap, great idea! When should I send you my address?!


Hey count me in for the earring swap :) Sounds very fun... by the way you have inspried me to start knitting even though I have always given up on knitting projects in frustration! Hope my motivation keeps up! x


Those earrings are adorable. I'd like to be in on the swap as well.


OMG, those earrings are so cute! I'd love to join the exchange, and even like the pink idea!


count me in on the earring swap. what a lovely idea. how do i give you my address?


Woohoo! Count me in! And I think you should make it a rule that they have to be pink!


Hi Pinku,

Please count me in for the earring swap. Let me know what I need to send in ;)

My goodness -- I'm wearing pink right now!


I would love to join your earring swap!! How do I sign up?


I'm in! :D I'm assuming all of us have pierced ears? It wouldn't be fun for someone to received earrings they couldn't wear. :(


That's totally adorable. Btw, just got recommended your site by a friend because we ALL love pink, glitter and glam. Keep it up :-)


I love your blog - you have a smooth writing style.


This is a super cute blog and a super cute idea. Leave it to a woman to find a mutial love (earrings) to bring the world together. Pinku, the men should read your blog and learn!!! Very cool idea.

Philadelphia, USA

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