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June 11, 2004



Hi kat...count me in too...if it's not too late. :) I'll e/m u my details.

Those little comb earrings are cute!!!


I would love to join. Tell me how!


Hey there empress,

Just email me your full name and mailing address to [email protected]. I will then email you the name and address of your secret swap partner - you must send a pair of pretty pink earrings to this person, and you will recieve a pair from someone else!!! There are further details about the swap in the previous post. Good to have you on board!!!!


hello, i would love to participate. i'll email my info shortly. earrings and all things pink are wonderful. and i adore your blog, thank you for the work you put into it...


Sounds like a fun idea. I would love to join in on the all the pinky goodness!


Yes yes yes, count me in, too! What a trif little idea you've come up with! Work not challenging you lately, m'dear?


what a great idea. i would love to join the swap. i'll send you my info asap.

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