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June 14, 2004



Sorry to hear you are sick. Summer colds are the absolute worst!

I love that striped sweater from Interweave. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.


ugh, being sick in the summer is the worst. i'm not sure if they have it in japan, but there's a product called zicam that works wonders on shortening colds from weeks to days. i highly recommend it.

also, i've just started to learn how to knit! i'm 28 and learning (not bad!).. i got "knitting for dummies" and it's a great step-by-step book. i was wondering, though, if in the future, you would be interested in compiling a link list of places you buy yarn or patterns on the internet. it's hard to find good place through google. it would be a good resource!

feel better kat!


Nothing like summer sweats and snuffles ... ugh, hope you feel better! Will send you high doses of Vit C (raspberry flava, yum and pink!)... funny about the salt gargling, my mom used to get me to do that all the time when I had a sore throat. Is that a Chinese-thing?

Am in Portland at the mo, scoped out a yarn place for you, will send link. Feel better and remember, better out then in...


Hope you feel better soon! Being sick is not fun at all!! Maybe that credit card therapy at elann has put you on the path to a speedy recovery.


Feel better soon.


hey wouldja looky there - pink frangipanis!!! my absolute fave.

hope the cold is nearly gone now. thanks for the yummy pasta sunday. this second week of pure hell is nearly up. i can't believe i have come this far without a complete meltdown.

db, i love the new banner. time for me to get some new banner action happening too, methinks.

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