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June 23, 2004



i hear ya babe. these beheadings are just too much. and little johnny howard is just too much. he's got to go. he makes me embarrassed to be australian.


Do you think that there's a difference between being depressed about someone being beheaded and watching a bad soap opera? (by the way, nearly every episode of Bold is boring and depressing - Sally come back all is forgiven).

As for blackmailing schools to run the flag up the pole - it's not surprising, is it? It's just more electioneering in a really depressing election year (depressing because it looks like for some reason - HE'll be back).


Yes yes I agree with you guys Australia is becoming ridiculous and I feel like telling people I am from New Zealand. Because the New Zealand government (and people) seem way nicer and more open minded than us. :( And less highly strung.

BUT may I say that what we CAN do in the face of such conservatism(?) and political/corporate greed is be nice and thoughtful to each other and document POSITIVE things to counter all the negative media. And be creative :)

So if www.pinkurocks makes 500 people smile today then you're doing a great job Pinku! (I don't know what your readership is.... it'll probably make 5000 people smile)!

These little things are more important than we realise :) xxx


Brother - what has happened to Stephanie? - where has she gone? Has she lost her memory *again* and become a homeless person *again* Oh wait - you said Sally Spectra was gone....where art thou Sally???

Lucy - thanks for your kind words. I think that we should all try and focus on the positive as you said and stay busy getting crafty....and buying pink earrings for strangers of course!!!


hey, just found Pinku bookmarked on a computer! Wasn't me!! You are getting famous!
ps. I used to be addicted to Bold and Beautiful!!


I used to watch B&B just because it came on before As the World Turns. I think Brooke/Taylor/Ridge were the biggest love triangle snoozer ever....yet I still kept watching! Can anyone top "Thorn" for the craziest name on a soap?

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