The news is sometimes so depressing. It's like a really bad episode of Bold and the Beautiful (which I enjoy watching by the way).
Stop with the beheadings already. I don't want to read about them in the newspapers anymore.
Why is Australia becoming MORE conservative (like you know where)?? Blackmail is wrong. It makes me sad.
i hear ya babe. these beheadings are just too much. and little johnny howard is just too much. he's got to go. he makes me embarrassed to be australian.
Posted by: frangipani | June 23, 2004 at 12:58 PM
Do you think that there's a difference between being depressed about someone being beheaded and watching a bad soap opera? (by the way, nearly every episode of Bold is boring and depressing - Sally come back all is forgiven).
As for blackmailing schools to run the flag up the pole - it's not surprising, is it? It's just more electioneering in a really depressing election year (depressing because it looks like for some reason - HE'll be back).
Posted by: mock | June 23, 2004 at 01:35 PM
Yes yes I agree with you guys Australia is becoming ridiculous and I feel like telling people I am from New Zealand. Because the New Zealand government (and people) seem way nicer and more open minded than us. :( And less highly strung.
BUT may I say that what we CAN do in the face of such conservatism(?) and political/corporate greed is be nice and thoughtful to each other and document POSITIVE things to counter all the negative media. And be creative :)
So if www.pinkurocks makes 500 people smile today then you're doing a great job Pinku! (I don't know what your readership is.... it'll probably make 5000 people smile)!
These little things are more important than we realise :) xxx
Posted by: Lucy | June 23, 2004 at 06:56 PM
Brother - what has happened to Stephanie? - where has she gone? Has she lost her memory *again* and become a homeless person *again* Oh wait - you said Sally Spectra was gone....where art thou Sally???
Lucy - thanks for your kind words. I think that we should all try and focus on the positive as you said and stay busy getting crafty....and buying pink earrings for strangers of course!!!
Posted by: kat | June 24, 2004 at 06:27 PM
hey, just found Pinku bookmarked on a computer! Wasn't me!! You are getting famous!
ps. I used to be addicted to Bold and Beautiful!!
Posted by: jitty | June 24, 2004 at 06:41 PM
I used to watch B&B just because it came on before As the World Turns. I think Brooke/Taylor/Ridge were the biggest love triangle snoozer ever....yet I still kept watching! Can anyone top "Thorn" for the craziest name on a soap?
Posted by: Jen | June 24, 2004 at 09:43 PM