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June 25, 2004



the ski mask is FRIGHTENING. Seriously. I might have to make it, just to say I did.... :)


kat - did u see this article from the SMH this week - http://www.smh.com.au/text/articles/2004/06/22/1087844944455.html ??


I really like continental knitting, but I learned in the middle of knitting some projects and didn't want my gauge to change (and it really did.) Now that I am past those projects, I still haven't gotten back into experimenting with Continental. I will have to remember that after I finish my current projects.

The balaclava is scary. Can you imagine it in Noro stripes or an eyelash-y yarn? Tell everyone it's the latest style. hehe


since i'm just beginning knitting, i'm learning continental. my mom tried to teach me the english style but i found that anchoring the knitting needle under my arm was awkward and then my other needle would fly about in the air (not good for the subway as someone was bound to lose an eye). besides that, i have also found that my left hand is pretty much useless in all things (i can't play the piano) and i wanted to whip my left hand into shape by teaching it something! the "knitting for dummies" book is really good for teaching both styles. i'm currently just refining the two basic techniques of knitting and purling so i have a long way to go! thanks for the inspiration kat!


I noticed that they knit continental style... I have been watching the new live action Sailormoon (yes.. well.. it's a cute show) and they were actually having to knit for home ec! I'm so jealous. But yes, I noticed they were doing it continental. I've tried it a bit - I find purling much harder than knitting, and even the knitting takes some getting used to. I'd like to try now but I've started this sweater the other way and I don't want to mess up my gauge/tension.

Good luck with it! Ganbatte!


# 59 is freaky...I like it LOL! I think I might need that for the brutal weather here in Omaha, Nebraska!


Hey does anyone know a good website with instructions on how to knit continental style?? I would like to learn :)



Good lord, that mask is scary! How are you supposed to breathe? I'm going to have nightmares about being chased by a psychotic, masked Japanese woman...


yeah, HAD to post that picture - I really couldn't believe it when I saw it. Very frightening indeed.

Lucy, I am not sure of any websites that detail how to knit continental - probably the best way is to get a good book (Deb Stoller's SNB has pretty good continental knitting instructions). It's really all about how you hold the yarn. It has been stuffing up my tension on my current project, but I'm just going to keep battling on for the sake of my wrist!!!

Tanarra Harris

I'm trying to find information about the history of crocheting in Japanese culture. I am trying to write a paper about crocheting in differen cultures!! Can you help me?

Tanarra Harris

I need to know about crocheting in Japan!!!!!!

Mary Ellen

Just scanning your most interesting page and came across the ski mask...believe it or not it's EXACTLY what I've been looking for per request of my husband's 77 yr old aunt (we live in New England!). I just told her I had no luck in finding one with just slits for eyes AND all I could picture was knitting it in black and having her look like a bank robber! ANY CHANCE you would have this pattern to share? Aunt Helen would be forever grateful and I would certainly move to the top of her list!!

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