I swore to myself I wasn't going to perpetuate the slightly annoying chant that plagued the Sydney Olympics in 2000, but dammit I just can't help it. Currently I am reading the Bill Bryson book, Notes from a Big Country (a collection of columns he wrote for the Mail on Sunday's Night and Day magazine) and in it he says, In a funny way nothing makes you feel more like a native of your own country than to live where nearly everyone is not - how true!! I find myself cheering louder when watching rugby matches (umm, what am I doing watching rugby???) and constantly pointing out obscure Australian actors to poor Darin when we watch movies - See that guy there, he's Australian didja know that? Didja? Didja?......No, I didn't. Well he is, you know....
Anyway, are you psyched about the Olympics? I am. I went to watch the Judo during the Sydney Olympics and the vibe in that town and at the event was amazing. The only sad thing this time is that if you want to watch anything live here in Japan - you will have to stay up between the hours of 1am onwards.....hmmm. I just wanna see Thorpey (he's an awesome Aussie swimmwer with big feet if you didn't know) win some gold for the land of kangaroos and meat pies. Click here to read an article about 10 things to watch as the Games open.
On a crafty note, I have a package packed and ready to be shipped out to my secret pal - I am great at shopping, but not so good at sending packages out. I also have a package ready for my sweet, lifesaving friend, Swirl, and a Japanese knitting magazine ready to ship to Julie. Just mail it already.....ok.
Now I wasn't gonna put this photo of Carla up, coz it's pretty lame, but dammit I don't have any other photos to post today and it is the weekend coming up and all - y'all deserve a picture. Please take into consideration that this has not been blocked and there are many ends at the neck to be weaved in. I don't have it on because it's too small on the shoulders, and didn't look nearly as great as Clara's. It is going to be a present for my dear friend, Amanda who is leaving me here in cold (actually it is REALLY hot - it hasn't gone below 30 degrees for over 30 days - aghhh), lonely Japan. Don't go!!!!
I had a crush on the Thorpedo during the last Olympics, and faithfully read his website where he answered readers' questions. He's got huge hands, too. More like paddles. :-)
Posted by: Jennifer | August 13, 2004 at 07:35 PM
Carla looks great! Lovely color.
Posted by: Mindy | August 13, 2004 at 11:25 PM
I like the colour too. Too bad it doesn't fit you because it looks good!
I'm all hyped up about the Olympics too. I'm counting down to the opening ceremony!
Posted by: Clara | August 14, 2004 at 01:57 AM
I read that book! It should be called, "Ten Thousand Ways to Die in Australia Unexpectedly Because You Stepped On/Brushed Against/ Or Otherwise Accidentally Touched Something".
Didja get to the part where the scuba dive tour boat leaves the two Americans in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef (open ocean) and don't discover it until TWO DAYS LATER??! [yeah, they're dead] ... there's a movie out that's based on it "Open Water", just came out I think.
Gives new meaning to sink or swim...
(P.S. Love the Thorpedo tooo, didn't know he had big feet .. interesting...)
Posted by: swirl | August 14, 2004 at 02:32 AM
ha! Wrong book, I was talking about "Down Under".
Posted by: swirl | August 14, 2004 at 02:34 AM
Ah yes Ian Thorpe. Everyone loves Thorpey. Especially in JAPAN. The girls go ga-ga about him.
Pity that a large number of people in this country are quite convinced that he bats for the other team. All I will say is Thorpey + Pieter the flying Dutchman + Oxford Street during the Sydney Olympics. I'll let u guys work the rest out!
As long as he & the rest of the team swim their best...go Thorpey & Skippy & Hackett & Klim!
And on a note about obscure Aussie actors/failed soap stars-turned real estate agents...i just found out that a certain 'Bruce Samazan' (aka E-Street) will be at my friend's wedding next weekend - he's dating the bride's cousin! this could be interesting....
Posted by: nicole | August 14, 2004 at 03:55 PM
Love love love the Olympics and Bill Bryson too. I just re-read I'm a Stranger Here Myself.
Carla turned out great - I'm sorry you won't get to wear it!
Posted by: amy | August 14, 2004 at 11:08 PM
Yayyy! Magazine! :D Your package went out... day before yesterday I believe. I hope it gets there quickly. Heheheh... shopping is fun... a little TOO fun.
Anyway, enjoy your package, and a huge thanks for all the swapping!
Posted by: Julie | August 15, 2004 at 12:42 AM
Hey Pinku, just got my kawaiiiiiii pink earrings from Fred Flare. Love them!! Hope you got yours too, Megan
Posted by: Megan | August 16, 2004 at 10:36 AM
Me too!!! i just got my pinku Fred Flare earrings... :)
Posted by: nicole | August 16, 2004 at 10:31 PM
Wow, what a great gift for someone! It looks fabulous.
You got me excited about the Olympics. I think I"m off to go watch some now...
Posted by: Carrie | August 19, 2004 at 01:43 PM