So I have to say that this is the first time in my life that I have been psyched about the onset of Autumn. It's not so much about the weather as the PLETHORA of new knitting mags/books that are going to be available. I want them ALL. Being from Brisbane, a place that is blessed with wonderful weather meaning it never gets very hot (ok sometimes it gets hot) and there is only a very mild winter - it's subtropical, which means mango, banana, and papaya trees in your backyard BUT it also means no four seasons. No snow (no loss I think - beautiful to visit but not to live in), no red leaves, basically no distinct seasons. So living somewhere with four seasons and amazing array of knitting supplies makes Fall/Autumn very exciting indeed. However, I will be enjoying every second of the rest of summer going to bbqs and to the beach!!! If you wanna check out what I did on the weekend (it involved skateboarding, bmx bikeriding and fireworks), visit Frangipani - she's a good girl and put up all her photos.....unlike me!
Knitting books/mags to look forward to:
* Stitch N Bitch Nation, which should feature our very own Tokyo Stitch N Bitch!!!
* Knit Wit by Knitty's Amy Singer
* Vogue Knitting Fall 2004 I just saw that this is going to be on sale in a few days. Anyone in the US wanna do a swap??? Vogue Knitting Fall 2004 for a Japanese mag - maybe girly knits or something else. Email me if you are interested.
* Vintage Style by Rowan
* Ribbon Twist Collection by Rowan
* Big just got bigger by Rowan
* and of course all of the Japanese mags that will no doubt be released - no previews yet though.
Hey there,
I haven't sent IK out yet, so if you'd like, I'm perfectly willing to pick up Vogue Knitting as well. I'm pretty sure they sell it at Barnes and Noble. Just let me know. :)
Posted by: Julie | August 04, 2004 at 12:55 PM
I got the new issue of Vogue Knitting in the mail. I'm also not sure of when it will hit the newsstands.
Posted by: Liz | August 05, 2004 at 03:13 AM
Hey Kat! I can send you whatever you want, too, if any of your other swaps fall through.
Posted by: Mariko | August 05, 2004 at 03:32 AM
Same here, lemme know if you want me to pick up VK - - or anything else for that matter.
I was just peeking at the new Rowan books at - - and I want 'em all!
Posted by: Mindy | August 05, 2004 at 06:30 AM
I know, the Rowan books have me drooling all over my keyboard. I want all of them and I want them now!
Posted by: sharlyn | August 05, 2004 at 02:33 PM