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September 17, 2004



Thanks for posting all of the details.Amazon Japan is hard for us non Japanese fluent to search. Love the Frida Kahlo thingy and the hooded scarf. Very cute. My sister and I have been plotting ways to get back to Japan. She's quite nostalgic (don't know how to spell the more appropriate Japanese word in romaji) for the yarn stores, etc.


I love the one with the shaping acheived with various gauges.. reminds of that new noro longsleeve pullover that is knit kinda similar, some peices put together..


DO you know if there is any way to obtain these types of knitting/crochet magazines in the US? The designs are so beautiful.

Thanks for sharing with us!


Very cute! My mother is going to Japan in November, so I might have to put this on my wish list. Heh heh.


Those are so beautiful! Me want!

Miss Jane

Those designs look so beautiful!



Ok, you have got to get me a copy of this. That Kaftan is a must and since crochet is my first love its perfect. Please let me where I could get a copy. Pretty please!!!


thanks for sharing the magazine! Can't believe fall is just 'round the corner - it's been soo hot! your niece is so lucky to have you hand-knit those leg warmers, and the trim is perfect for a little girl! (or big one)


I too would like to know how I can obtain a copy. Maybe you should make a business out of selling to US knitters/crocheters :D Let me know if you can send me one and I can send you something in return. Thanks!!!!


Hey Pinku,
this is somewhat unrelated to your recent entries but I was hoping to ask youir advice on something. I am making my FIRST and much anticipated trip to Japan in December (yay!) and I am a little lost as to what I should buy/pack.

Will it be freeeezing? Will it be snowing???? Should I buy a big warm coat in the end-of-winter sales here in Melbourne or will my duffel coat do??? we will be in Kyoto and Tokyo.. I can't wait!!! Thanks lots,

Lucy xx


ooh, i love the multi-yarn crocheted number halfway down. gorgeous.


wow those designs are amazing. love the last sweater. thanks for sharing!


I met a Japanese woman at a knitting shop. I asked her about her sleeveless vest which she knitted. She said it was one square but I can't figure out how to get the neckline once it's folded over. Can anyone help me with this? She said it was very much like what she wore as a child so I think it's an asian type of vest/warmer.


I also love the designs from the magazine and have a coworker from Japan. Maybe I can get a copy.


What great patterns! I so want this publication! No I will have to see if I can find this mag here in Toronto.


this magazine looks great. i like unusual knitting books, any suggestions for japanese knitting books? thanks so much...natasha


hi, those patterns are lovely, iv'e just started knitting again, although didnt realise how expensive wool was now, its beeen about 10 years since i last knitted anything, iv'e just knitted a bag, but have run out of wool, not enough left to sew it up, and as im a poor student, it will have to wait a bit!! returning to japan in the summer to see friends and work on some organic farms to stay there cheaply, looking forward to checking out wool shops and patterns xx


I recently returned from a trip to Japan where I learned a "very old style" of knitting using two flat sided crochet hooks. Does anyone know anything more about this? I picked up hooks and an instruction book that has good diagrams but I had never seen this before and think there are others here in the US that would love to learn another alternative to straight knitting and crochet. The women teaching me called it "stretch knitting".

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