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September 03, 2004



Kat, you'd think nothing else was going on in the world the way that this news 'item' was splashed across the late news last night and the papers today. unbelievable considering what's going on in Russia etc.
Oh well, i guess it's a nice break from all the election drivel going on at the moment!


She's got a real flat ass for a 'Miss Universe.' Maybe they need some black judges next year.


Poor Miss Universe, indeed!

It looked sadder in motion, and then she was able to be so bubbly and friendly when she appeared later in the evening on The Footy Show.

I wonder how she will ever be able to show her face in public again. I also wonder if it's been a hotly downloaded photo today.

Love Mok


Poor Miss Universe! She should have played it off a little better, lol! I agree with db, her booty is flat, lol!

On a knitting note, I like the designs by Kanako. Too bad there aren't any patterns. :(


look at the guy in the backgrounds face
hes just smiling away

poor girl.
no booty at all
well atleast shes being a role model.
no booty and you can be miss universe!

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