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September 28, 2004


queen t

Thank you for the links :) It`s good to see my ken represented on your blog, as well. How about them apples, Aomori!? I had a chance to go to a few Neb(p)uta Festivals this year. たのしかったですね。


Oh wow, that's so nice of you to go through all the trouble of getting & shipping the Japanese pattern mags! If you do put up any for sale I can honestly say I'll buy lots 'n lots ^___^. I'm currently doing a few projects from the Let's Knit Series Sept '03 book :).

That photo of the float is so breathtaking.


i would be totally interested in buying some japanese knitting stuff. seriously, they have the best patterns of anywhere!


Thanks for the link to knitbonheur.com I am in love with Diakeito yarn! Do you happen to know if kntibonheur ships to the US?

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