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October 24, 2005



Coopers in Japan? nice work, Kat ;)


Nice, robo is great!


Too Cute (the robot and the plaid twins!) !!


Hehe, that is soooo cute. Notice your hubby and robo
have matching hearts in the "hanging out with dad" photo.


hahaha! robo is ADORABLE. such a soft and squeezable robot. and mmmm, pecan pie. one of my favorites! especially with ice cream.


Robo is adorable and that pecan pie looks heavenly.

Anna Dilemna

I LOVE the Robo pics- especially the one of him on the train! Congrats on your first little guy! I want one for xmas okay? I'll call mine the Jo-bot (after me of course)

Miss Twiss

Another congratulations! But this one is on the growth of your family. Robo is super cute. I really enjoyed seeing pictures of all of his firsts.


Robo is adorable!! I'm sure you had a lot of fun taking that photo of him on the train.


I *heart* Robo!

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