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November 20, 2005



i came across the same problem when I knitted up the cravat as well. I too thought I was knitting it too tightly. Agh, I hate when scarves do roll in! They should put some sort of warning on the pattern or something and save me a lot of time and aggravation. And blocking almost never helps. :P

But nonetheless, yours came out great. That yarn is really pretty. You should get good use out of the scarf, rolling in or no rolling in.


The style of increasing, the body of the leaf being primarily stocking stitch and a selvedge stitch using garter stitch ultimately leads to this shape "puffing" out. The main culprit is the stocking stitch. A larger needle size may help but I would try substituting the stocking stitch with either garter stitch or seed stitch. Also, some serious blocking using the steam setting on your iron may help. Pin the leaf to shape, hold the iron about 2" above the knit surface and give a good steaming. Let this dry for several hours if not overnight. Also, not necessarily for this design but for other edges that may curl, try an icord cast-on and selvedge. This site has a photo and instruction incorporated into the scarf pattern: http://www.modeknit.com/blog/alisons_scarf.pdf
I enjoy your blog. Take care.


enjoy spinning!

Jennifer Mitts

I googled "scarf hoodie" and got your June 24 post. What great patterns! I'm a knitter and wanted to knit a scarf hoodie, but now I want to knit & crochet the khaki sweater on that post (modeled with a brown silk skirt). Would you, by any chance, be willing to photocopy the directions for me and I could pay you a fee for it?


The scarf looks great, I think it's nice that it rolls in a bit, it makes it a more organic shape.


I think it looks great! The rolling doesn't look bad at all from where I'm sitting.

And that caged Hannah picture is TOO CUTE. Look at those eyes!


your scarf is so cute! monica knitted me one a few years ago. it still rolls. ;)

Nicole Streuli

Hello! I just came across your blog randomly on the net and I love it! I am working on a youth zine that is for youth, by youth and about youth. I would LOVE for you to write something for me! You wouldn't even have to write something original - you could just reprint something from your site and do a little self promotion. If you send me an email, I'll send you back a flyer about the magazine. Regardless, I love your site! Thanks,
Nicole Streuli

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