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November 11, 2005



YAY! He's so cute.. Squarey is the first guy on my list.


Yeay! So cute! Robot's next on the list for me.


I heart Spherey.


Very cute. Thanks for posting that she has the books back in stock. I need some robot-y goodness in my life.


OMG! That is so cute! I think hand made stuff animals are so much cuter. I never really like stuffed annimals that much either.

BTW so you saw the recent GG episode, soooo glad to have the old Rory back.


SO CUTE!! i just picked up one of jess hutch's booklets last night. i'm so glad that i got in on the second batch!


The pictures are hilarious!

Steph VW

Oh dear... is Spherey watching, uh, adult entertainment? That's so freaking funny.

I've got to order one of Jess' books before they sell out!

(Re: Gilmore Girls: I'm so glad Jess stopped by to give Rory a slap of reality. Phew!)

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