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April 28, 2006



Very cool! We should definitely start a sock + heels trend!


Nice pins kat. Those socks look fiendishly difficult to a non knitter......


oh my god, those socks came out great. and those shows are to dye for! hooray for socks and heels!


Beautiful socks!! And I'm loving the socks and high heels....those shoes RAWK.


they look great! i'm sure you're sockpal will love them :)

Miss Twiss

Wow, they are wicked! Congratulations, I understand the Pomatomus is not an easy knit. They look wonderful.


They look great!


Great socks! Great shoes!


great job. i just finished a pair myself. it's a lovely pattern isn't it?
i love the heels and sock photo.


They are just lovely. Perfect with heels!


hey lady... it's been a while since I've said hello... so hello! :) those socks are AWESOME! You constantly amaze me with your knitting prowess! :) That pattern in the stitching looks super-complicated and way way out of my league :) well done!


Wow - your Pomatomus (Hippo-potato-tomato-potamus) socks came out wonderfully. I love that color with it. And your pix are very fun. Yay for your sock pal!


Great socks! I'm sure your sock pal will love them! I couldn't help but notice you were wearing your heels inside a Japanese apt.--what a rebel!

Dipsy D.

These socks are absolutely gorgeous - the pattern is so great (guess I'll have to try my hands at it soonest possible too!), and the colorline you worked with is amazing! Great job done, and I'm sure your sock pal is going to love them!


Great Socks! That pair turned out beautiful. Love the colour of sock yarn. I'm guessing that the yarn is Lang Jawool, since I think they are one of the few companies that include a spool of matching reinforcing yarn in every ball. Do I win a prize?! Love your blog. Big hello from Toronto! Spring is here and the roses are awakening! Ciao!


Wow, beautiful! The colors you chose really highlight the lovely textures on the sock! I would be so afraid to wear those socks because I'd worry too much about ruining it and all the work that went into it.

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