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November 25, 2006



ha ha! i am so stuffed i couldn't imagine going shopping today (isn't it called "Black Friday"?). We had our parents over for this Thanksgiving and did all the cooking and it turned out relatively painless and now we have TONS of food left over...Can't wait to see photos of your trip!


Glad things are going well in Beaver! Happy Thanksgiving!


Did you just say "ya'll"? Sure rubs off on ya quick, huh? Miss you guys...hope to get to see you this weekend too!


Good call on the skirt, perhaps it helped to keep you from feeling too full.

You're in what I'm guessing is a good thrift shopping area - not too many hipsters taking all the good stuff. Be sure to get a gorgeous gown from Kayne!


glad you're having fun! have you eaten yourself sick yet? i'm more than two weeks into my trip now and in need of some serious detox. hope you have/had a great trip! can't wait to hear about it!!


Ok, don't think I'm weird or anything, but I found your blog while searching for info on Japanese knitting and thought I'd drop you a line. I'm living in japan myself, down in Nara, and working through the JET Program. I've decided I want to plunge into knitting while I'm here, but I've never knit in my life! Any tips?

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