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January 19, 2007



Ooo! I like chunky knits, but even on "normal" sizes, they tend to bulk up unevenly, lending a rather lardy effect sometimes. I don't think skinnyness is a factor, but if you have a longer torso, it seems to help, and so would clever placements of chunks! This is my first de-lurking post by the way, and I love your blog! :)


hhmmm, i'm not a big chunky knit fan as i have the same type of body that you do. chunky knits just don't look right on me. i feel huge! but i did pre-order the "fitted knits" book! i can't wait to get that.


yeah, even though they look lovely, i'm not a big knits fan myself. (i have broad shoulders, a tiny waist and big hips... imagine what i would look like in a sweater like that;P). i've been eyeing up Fitted Sweaters also. i'm a huge Stephanie Japel fan. after seeing all of the beautiful sweaters you made yourself last year, i made it a goal to knit at least two for myself this year(pathetic i know, but i'm always jumping from project to project).


Hi Kat,

I have to agree with the above comments. I am average size, and chunky knits look terrible on me. It makes me look fat. No average person can wear it. I remember something with her design in VK and the model was average and it was so unflattering on her. Unfortunately, I only realized this thing about chunky knits when I first learned to knit and splurged on Blue Sky Bulky (that wasn't cheap!!!). I think it's appealing to beginner knitters because they are such quick projects. I also find that chunky/bulky yarns pill a lot faster. I will never do that again. Save yourself!


I've seen an early release version of Big City Knits and while I love Twinkle's designs, I share your reservations about chunky knits. I'm a tiny girl and if they make me like a barrel, then there's a problem. But the book is beautiful.

And Stephanie's book? Waiting with baited breath for my copy.


One problem that I've had with chunky knits (not that my closet is filled with them) is that they are too warm! And heavy. But they sure are pretty!
I think the Twinkle book would be a great inspiration, even if you don't make anything from it. I've pre-ordered Glampyre's book as well, and I'm getting so impatient... Now that's a book we'll all make something from!


I must admit that I love chunky yarn but agree that when it's knit up it's not always very flattering. I have a chunky cardy (of Rowan Big Wool, so soft!) that I love but it makes me cringe a bit when I wear it since I look on par with a pro-football player with all their shoulder padding or an overly bundled up 5 year old, neither of which are terribly flattering.


yah.. chunky knits are hard to do. I'd prefer something a little more lightweight but loose than chunky. I think chunky looks better with accessories like scarves or shawls rather than a sweater. That fitted knits book looks like it's going to be awesome! :)


Uh, chunky knits, yeah, but hello, DOUGHNUT PLANT? How did I not know about this? We are so going there next time I am in Tokyo! Hee!


i've ordered both and I CANT WAIT!!

frecklegirl jess

I had a bad experience with a chunky knit- my first sweater. I knit it too small and you know what happens with a chunky knit that is too small. I resembled a mack truck. (do you guys have those in australia/ japan? big truck. heh)

Those pictures are too small to tell anything! Boo. hiss. (at them, not you.)

Julia Wei

I'm so curious about the Twinkle book too. I mean, I love the chunky yarn, but I do not love the chunky look. Not a lot of buzz on this book which is kind of a bummer because I'm hoping to find a review of it!


I LOVE the look of this book! Totally fell in love with the designs. I am worried too about what it would look like on me.....I still think they are absolutley gorgeous.

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