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February 02, 2007



how come the other dude doesn't get a pink star? I guess there's nothing to see


so tyler-nancy-boy finally stopped being a total wimp about his semi-nude? now I see the pic I can't understand what he was worried about! it's a beautiful place and a pic totally worth sharing, with or without pink stars over flanks... thanks for posting it and thanks to tyler for finally letting you.

poo, i wish i had been able to go with you, it looks like a great place.


That looks awesome! The pink stars are making me giggle.


Ah, where's my NSFW warning? Eeewww!

Now I can't eat my morning tea. Oh wait, yes I can, who am I?

Love Mok

Keep nudin' it up, BBIL2!


I enjoy reading blogs about Japan as I just spent 4 years there...no offence, but all the blogs seem to be written by people who are married or couples...it's so boring!!!
it's not creative!!!
please read my entry about the "chinese" food, ta...
melbourne's chinatown wins anytime, hand over fist...
david, st.kilda


Ha ha, that Rae is too funny! Totally amazing view there. Keep warm up in Aomori!


ok...next time you head to an onsen, martine, let one of the old ladies take your picture and then post it on your blog. how many stars would you need?


I wonder if Asian guys would even dare do this--not just getting naked into a public springs, but having their photograph taken as well (with or without the stars)! *LOL*


5, coz I'm a 5 star kinda gal. ;)


argh! if only i had known! then again i spent 21000 yen on needles and some other knick-knacks already so maybe not knowing there was a sale at a tokyo yarn shop was for the best.

also went to hakkonen and spent a night at a ryokan (with a hot bath OUTSIDE overlooking the mountains!).

can't wait to go back.


that is hysterical!!! dirty boys!

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