So when I was back in Australia, my sister threw me a little baby shower. It was great even though I was only 19 weeks pregnant. It was mainly for my family since I won't see them before I give birth here in Japan. All of the presents were awesome, but one of the stand out gifts was a hand-knit clown by my great aunty Joyce. She is an amazing crafter who is very prolific and makes things that I would never think about making and wouldn't know where to start even if I had the idea.
Clowny even has separate hand knitted pants!! Thanks Aunty Joyce!
So I've been on a bit of a baby knitting roll and luckily I had clowny around to model for me. First I knit up the simple raglan cardigan from Debbie Bliss's Simple Knits for Babies. It was a quick knit (three days) and it was really fun. I'm worried that I'll never want to knit a full-size adult garment ever again. I also added some cute skull embroidery.
close up of embroidery
the cardigan is pretty small and I'm really hoping Dudley isn't a 10 pound baby especially since there'll be no pain relief on offer when I give birth and also because I'd love to see him wear this cardie even just for a couple of weeks!!
I also made the sailboat hat from Itty Bitty Hats in the 0 to 6 month size. I had some leftover Rowan Denim from the Knitty Blu pattern and used it to make this hat.
here's clowny modelling both knits.
I also knit up two pairs of Better-Than-Bootie-Socks from Interweave Knits.
You can see the cable details better when clowny is modelling
These socks were fiddly to knit. You use up just as much energy to knit these as you would adult socks. Don't get me wrong I think they are super cute and I know these will definitely keep dudley's feet warm. They just weren't that much fun to knit. I'll probably make another couple of pairs because they are sure to be better than anything you could buy in a shop!!
Click for pregnancy update with photo! Not sure everyone is that interested in seeing my growing bump!!
So on the weekend I reached 26 weeks. It's all pretty exciting but I kind of can't believe that I still have 14 weeks to go. This goes both ways - it seems like a long time to be bigger and heavier and it also seems way too short a time before we have a newborn around the house. Are you kidding me? I guess you can never be fully ready. Both Darin and I are reading baby books and watching baby care videos and we are also booked in to take a child CPR and first aid course.
I kind of forget sometimes that not everyone is used to talk about labor and birthing a baby. I had a Japanese friend come around to watch our 19 week ultrasound on dvd the other day. I fast forward through most of it as it's 45 minutes long. Anyway then I started pulling out other baby related stuff to show her. Most of it was fine - cute knitted baby clothes, etc, but I made the mistake of showing her the book about the Bradley method. It contains some pretty graphic photos. I like looking at them and imagining myself in that situation for mental preparation, but she slammed the book shut as if I'd shown her some really dirty porn. She wasn't quite ready for those images just sorry yoshi!
Dudley is moving around a lot which is mostly comforting and entertaining. My belly is definitely bigger and my belly button is on the verge of disappearance. It's mostly flat now but not poking out. Most people think that I'm due to give birth any day now - am I really that big? I know not to compare bumps with other ladies (especially tiny Japanese ones), but I truly don't feel that big. That's why I'm shocked when people think I'm ginormous. Anyway here's a photo. This outfit is getting pretty tight - don't think I'll be able to squeeze it over my belly for much longer.
me at 26 weeks
The sweater is adorable. Specially the embroidery :)Your tummy size looks normal from the photo.
Posted by: Lily | July 09, 2007 at 08:19 PM
i love all those handknits! that clown is adorable :) your aunt is an awesome craftster. your stomach will get much bigger! i can't wait to see it!
Posted by: gleek | July 09, 2007 at 09:45 PM
The skull embroidery is so cute! So, is it easy to get a seat on the subway now?
Posted by: Veronique | July 09, 2007 at 10:17 PM
oh people will say the oddest things to pregnant women, I've been told I was huge, I've been told I was small. I think people are just shocked to see a person they know with such a belly so to them it's huge. I know the baby is like 3 pounds probably right now and she will get to 6 or 7 so I think welp, I'm gonne get loads bigger I think so they will just think I'm a balloon lol!
People stop me in the elevator and ask when I am due, which ya know your never ever supposed to say that to a women even if its obvious she is pregnant because you just never know, I don't mind it really but i think it's funny.
I have 8 weeks left now, I'm at week 32 and it sort of freaks me out but then it seems like a while, then it seems like not very long and then I think if she's early i could have only like 4 or so weeks of non-baby time left and uh oh I better start doing everything! lol
We have everything we need at this point accept a matress for the crib, but I need to call HR at work and figure out all my specifics, and I wanted to buy a new car before the baby was born too. AHH!!! To much to do :) lol
You look GREAT and not huge at all, atleast compared to me :) hehe
Posted by: pixie | July 09, 2007 at 11:57 PM
Clowny is such a great model - I expect to see him at the next Gaultier showing. And the Dudley fall collection? Adorable. I hear the fashion mags are falling over themselves to get the sweater pattern.
As for your bump - the receptionist at our office just had a baby girl and it was her second, so in comparison, you are teensy tiny. Honest. You look awesome. When I have kids, I'm going to look like a pregnant Hobbit.
Posted by: Steph VW | July 10, 2007 at 12:02 AM
The skull cardi is the cutest! I love all the teeny knitting.
Posted by: myra | July 10, 2007 at 06:33 AM
Your knits are so cute and how funny that they fit Clowny perfectly! Dudley is going to be one studly baby. You look great. I know it's hard to ignore people's comments completely, but you really have nothing to worry about. Only 14 weeks to go--crazy!
Posted by: Kirsten | July 10, 2007 at 08:25 AM
That sweater is WAY cute. The cable socks are gorgeous...
Posted by: Abbey | July 10, 2007 at 09:17 AM
Awesome bump! I love the knit socks. I am terrible at cable knit myself. I need to get better. If they think you are enormous then they'd think I was a hippo. LOL. If you have 14 weeks, then I have 12. Aaah. Not too much longer now is it? Going so fast.
Posted by: Ku | July 10, 2007 at 01:12 PM
Looking good Kat, that is going to be one well dressed baby.
Posted by: kowhai | July 10, 2007 at 01:21 PM
I know what you mean about the comfort factor of knowing what's going to be happening - I'm one of those apparently rare women who isn't scared by delivery stories. (Actually, I like hearing them!) You look great so don't worry about what people say - I've gotten completely opposite reactions from strangers in the very same hour at times! The baby knits are adorable - I just love that embroidered skull.
Posted by: Tamar | July 10, 2007 at 03:08 PM
nice belly :-)just enjoy it getting bigger and bigger because it will.i love the little socks.keep cool.
Posted by: melinda | July 10, 2007 at 10:15 PM
when i was pregnant last time, all of my customers were shocked when i told them i was going on maternity leave the next week. that was really strange, i'd been working there for 9 months getting bigger and bigger yet no one noticed?? it was starbucks, so i had the big ol' green apron on, but still. did they think the apron was just poofy? hah.
anyway, i LOVE the sweater! i'm pregnant again, and i decided i need to start making baby things, such as a ring sling, and bibs...and anything i can figure out how to knit or crochet. i'm not that great at either one of them. anyhoo, i think the theme i'm going with is skulls, so that sweater is absolutely fantastic!
Posted by: rae | July 11, 2007 at 02:58 AM
I think being pregnant puts an invisible sign over your head that reads 'unsolicited comments welcome.' I mean really, would you ever tell a heavy person they look 50 pounds overweight instead of 30? It used to upset me when strangers would touch my belly, like being pregnant made me public property.
You look FAB, and super lucky to be gifted with clowny, and Dudley will be the envy of the other kids with his awesome hand-knit wardrobe!
In case you need anything, i'll be back in Tokyo on the 23rd : )
Posted by: rae | July 12, 2007 at 04:53 AM
hi from Turkey ,
your knit is very cute ,
so your baby is very lucky
Loves ; Bengi :)
Posted by: Bengi | July 16, 2007 at 03:45 AM
oh noooooo! you've joined the cult. shucks.
Posted by: hee hee | July 19, 2007 at 05:30 AM
No pain relief! Really?
My baby was almost 11 lbs at birth and Max couldn't wear the sweater I knit him to wear home from the clinic. I ended up giving it to my friend who had a baby 3 motnhs later. I hope your babe can wear that sweater, it's just too darn cute!
Posted by: Aimee | July 23, 2007 at 03:23 AM
You're normal! When my sister was pregnant, she had a belly circumference of 105cm in the end - THAT was huge.
I have a pattern for baby booties in my blog's sidebar, in case you're interested.
The cardigan looks gorgeous!
Posted by: Dorothee | July 26, 2007 at 03:15 AM