That's 52 days, which kinda sounds like a lot and at the same time nothing at all.
First a shout out to new mother and all round rocking crafty gal Pinn (also one of the founding Tokyo SNB members) who had her baby girl, Mari in Thailand on 15 August. Congrats to Pinn and Seimi!! I can't wait for you guys to visit Tokyo!!
I've decided though that I need to get organized sooner rather than later. Preparations have begun. We bought a combo chest of drawers/change table from Ikea and Darin is working on some cute animal decorations to keep Dudley amused while being changed. We also have quite a lot of baby clothes, which still need to be washed (do you need special washing detergent?). I also bought a 2nd hand rocking chair on the weekend. It is so nice to finally have a chair and be off the floor sometimes....western people who live on tatami will know what I mean.
So I need some advice from all you mothers out there. What else do I need to buy? Or what items did you find useful or a waste of money in those first few weeks. I think I'll be buying disposable nappies from Costco - how many do you need?? As you see I have a lot of questions. We don't have a lot of space so I don't want to overbuy, but I also don't want to be stuck without essentials as we don't have a car and can't just pop out to get stuff like in the western world especially in those first few weeks.
my tentative list: nappies, wipes, some kind of cream?, baby bath, breast pump?, baby sling/baby bjorn, some kind of rocker thing?, some kind of magic bin that keeps bad poo smells on the inside... Hmm, that's all about I can think of right now. Help, please.
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