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August 03, 2007



i have my fingers and toes crossed for sugs.

she is a tough little sow, and she has the most devoted pig parents in the world. i am sure she will pull through this.

take care. xx


Oh no! Take care Sugar. Feel better soon. :(


Just concentrate on Dudley please! And don't mention the pigs ever again!

Love Mock


All the best to your pig! And to your babay of course. I mean, animals aren't human beings, but in a way, they are! We have an Irish Setter called Shiva, and she is a full family memeber to us!
Greetings to Dudley and the pigs and generally ;)!


oh dear! I'll definitely send happy pig healing thoughts to Sugar.


poor sugar! i hope she's doing better!


I hope Sugar feels better soon! I'm sure the two of them are sad because they can't play together! As for the human thing, I think this means you need more than one child!


So sorry to hear about Sugar! Definitely sending positive piggy vibes her way. Hang in there.

Octopus Knits

Get better Sugar!


oh sweet baby...give her lots of kisses.


oh sweet baby...give her lots of kisses.


oh sweet baby...give her lots of kisses.


Oh no! Poor little thing. I don't know if it works for guinea pigs, but when the cats get abcesses bathing them with warm salty water seems to help get rid of the infection. I hope she's better soon.


oh no, poor Shuga! It must be so traumatic! Shit....

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