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November 06, 2007



What a great story of joy! I had a tear on, too. Thanks for sharing...have been checking in every day for some news! Welcome to the world, Jake!
Nicole (previously of ureshiidesu)


Hello to you and Jake and Darin! Wow, you did great, Kat. It sounds like you had some pretty incredible back labour. The muscle pains the next day are quite something, aren't they? They reminded me just how hard I had worked. Glad you got the package--I know that you can't use the books right away, but they are favorites here at our house, so I thought you would like them, too. Best of luck with the breastfeeding, it was a wonderful experience for me for the time that I was able to do it.


ha, you made me cry! been waiting for this story, so glad you managed to get it out there. so precious!

I'm proud of ya, girl. you're an amazing, strong woman, you birthed a 10 pound baby with no pain relief whatsoever! i think that's called keepin' it real, sista. well done!


im so glad you had such a positive birthing experience. congratulations.


Oh that brings back memories.

Don't you feel so totally awesome after getting through the process with such wonderful success? I thought I was invincible for a long time after mine was born, and I still remember that I have the force in me.

Take care and have fun with Jake. He's adorable!


Congratulations! It's so strange that you can have someone wiggling inside you for months and then all of a sudden there they are and you get to meet them and hold them and stare at them. All of my best wished to you and your family. Take good care of each other.


you totally just made me cry! what a wonderful story! and kudos to you for doing it all pain free. KP often jokes that i would have died if i had done it without drugs :) but i was induced and i know that the petocin makes labor even harder and stronger. what little i felt of it (when the epidural wore off) was enough!

i'm so glad that baby jake made it to this world happy and healthy. to think that our babies are almost exactly 6 months apart! wow, 6 months makes a huge difference. i can't wait to see him grow up.


Wow. I wasn't sure I could make it through, birth really scares me but this was amazing to read. The pictures of the pre-birth walk are so cute/funny/beautiful--I'm sure Jake will treasure them.


Thanks for sharing Jake's birth story! (Although I have to admit that in my mind, he's still Dudley).


Congrats on your healthy, beautiful baby. Enjoy every step of motherhood --- it goes so fast! I'm glad all went well :-)


my little bro and his wife are always talking about their baby's poo too! kinnon has just started eating cereal (he was born in august), and soon will move to vegetables (obviously mashed) which will mean BIG POO!!! it's interesting to me how completely we love and accept these little bundles of baby, who do nothing but sleep/not sleep, eat, and poo. i find myself imagining if we all accepted everyone in the same way; what would that world be like?


Wonderful story!! He's beautiful. Thanks for sharing the photos. Big babies are fun. Max was almost 11lbs at birth and such a strong baby. I remember him not feeling floppy at all. Sounds like your clinic stay was really nice and through out the whole story you sounded really calm.

Looking forward to seeing more photos of Jake.

Take care of yourself, Mama!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Duds birthday! So wonderful!

Going through the delivery really made me love JD even more, not only sharing that experience with each other and his support, but sharing a child together…it’s a pretty awesome feeling!

Interesting…I didn’t cry either…I’m such a boo-hooer I just knew I would be all in tears, but I think I was in such shock and fear and out-of-body that none of it was even real to me. I didn’t cry until like the next day or two…and I still cry every now and then when I’m holding my little boy rocking him to sleep or nursing him (which is nearing an end). It’s amazing how love feels isn’t it?


My son is now 1 month and 1 day old. You did a fantastic job. I know what it's like to be a week late and my water didn't even break so you had one up on me! They thought they were going to induce me too. Uh uh! Your meals look delicious and you are like me in the respect you didn't tell your husband you wanted to kill him either. I didn't cry when Kyo was born. Frankly, I was quite energetic, they had to force me to sleep. But once I did I was exhausted from then till now, haha. I'd like to say it gets easier but right now I am not so sure myself, rofl. Keep up the great work, you'll jump for joy and cry at the same time when he smiles.


Congrats, you two, and great job!


Thanks for sharing so much of your pregnancy kat - I've really enjoyed cheering you on from the sidelines (even if you didn't know it).


I love people's birth stories too! It takes me back to when I had my first one, also a boy 8 years ago. I can still remember so many details. Children are incredible and motherhood changes you in amazing ways. Best wishes for a wonderful life with your beautiful boy!


Congratulations! Jake is a nice big healthy boy.


That's a beautiful birth story! The clinic where you had Jake sounds fantastic - I don't think there is an equivalent in Sydney. Some of the big hospitals have birth centres, but it's still a big hospital. And you're lucky you got to stay for so long afterwards! I was in a shared room and went home 36 hours after Ali was born... and the less said about hospital food the better. I'm so happy it was a good experience for you, and that you're all safe and well.


What a wonderful story! Congratulations to you and your newly expanded family.


Thanks for sharing! I just found out I'm pregnant last week - and your story is inspiring for me! Enjoy your little Jakey!


wow! so thrilled to hear that he made his adorable appearance without too much difficulty. and so wonderful that everything went pretty smoothly - I remember how happy I was with the same. I can't wait to hear all the fun stories yet to come... congratulations mom & dad!


Wow, great story! Congrats to you and Darin!


I remember Evette and I question each other every day leading up to it,.."You reckon Kat's had the baby yet?" and to get Darin's email,..we were SO happy for you two. You guys are an amazing couple and will make amazing parents,..hell I saw he was wearing a Thrasher shirt already!!...kids educated already ;P

Hope to see you 3 soon!

- Juggs


No pain relief at all??? Surely you gest? I know what you mean about feeling just relief but no emotion straight after the birth. I was so knackered after the birth, the first thing I asked was "when could I sleep?"

You did a bang-up job though, with no pain relief - you are superwoman! I had the gas and I felt like a frikkin' hero!

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