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January 07, 2008



And did you mention that it was your birthday yesterday and that's WHY we went out dancing? Hope you had a lovely birthday sweetheart! So much fun dancing with you and Darin at the Beat last night - you two are a comedy duo on the dance floor! Thanks for cracking me up over and over again. Off to Tokyo in the a.m. - so very sad about that. Anyway, see ya back in the 'Jo.


happy birthday kat!! yes, same as me, the 6th. of course just the day is the same, not the year, that's why I didn't spend mine dancing ;) although we did make it to the movies which is quite an accomplishment for us. take full advantage of all that nearby family babysitting while you can!


happy birthday!! sounds like you had a wonderful time out and about. it's nice that your family has been there for you. i bet you'll love it when you're near them again :)


how cute, happy birthday!


Happy birthday to you! I'm so glad you guys are getting pampered over there. You will miss that when you return to Tokyo, but it will be nice to have you back! Enjoy your last few days. Hugs to you all!


Happy birthday m'dear. You know, when you move to Melbourne we can swap 'sitting! (assuming you don't end up living in the arse end of the city - like South Yarra or something). Jake T is looking cuter than ever!!!


Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Wonderful! Amazing! Beautiful! Fabulous! Happy Birthday Kat and many continued blessings for you and your family.

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