My boy is four months old today!
I can't believe I didn't do his 3-month update because so much has changed and it all changes so quickly. That's probably why I haven't had time to update. The biggest change occurred at 12 weeks and 3 days (our last day in Australia) when Jake rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time. Poppy (my dad) had been showing him the ropes and then finally he did it all by himself. After this the changes came thick and fast - he started smiling even more, he started giggling (we LOVE this) and he started not sleeping as well at night (we DON'T LOVE this). It's been a roller coaster ride for sure, but one look into the eyes above and all is well.
In Australia Jake became acquainted with lots of native fauna at Australia Zoo.
A koala.
A dingo.....luckily didn't get my baby!
And a really big looks way more scared in this one!
At three months Jake started taking an interest in and grabbing at his toys for real.
I can't believe I only have about six weeks left of maternity leave - it just seems so wrong. I'll just have to make the most of 24 hours a day family time while it lasts.
P.S. I think I'm gonna do a post about how much I have hated looking for stroller next. I like researching but the whole stroller thing is way too overwhelming and stressful and I've seriously lost sleep over such a dumb issue especially when sleep is not as easy to come by as before. Anyway that's for later!!
i got a frame, and a plop my carseat in the frame and I love it. When she grows out of the carseat I'll miss it but that still won't be for a few months. She'll be 6 months on the 7th of next month.
I got a Maclaren stroller, not sure how much I'll like using it full time, we'll see.
Posted by: pixie | February 22, 2008 at 12:57 AM
ugh! stroller shopping! i just had to get a new one because she outgrew her old one so quick. i did research for weeks! hey, i'm downloading skype right now :) we should chat!
Posted by: gleek | February 22, 2008 at 02:04 AM
Jake is sooooo adorable!
Posted by: yaiAnn | February 22, 2008 at 05:17 AM
man he is cute! i can't believe how quickly this all happens, i wish i could give him a cuddle.
Posted by: claire | February 22, 2008 at 06:43 AM
What a handsome little man!!
Posted by: Wannietta | February 22, 2008 at 07:50 AM
Kat, he's so cute! I hope I get to meet the little guy one of these days!
Posted by: molly! | February 22, 2008 at 08:12 AM
he is so cute.
there is a book called the wonder weeks, that explains that during the first year there are 8 big milestones (like rolling over) and with each milestone it is normal for babies to get fussy and become poor sleepers. i found that i felt like a loser every time my baby regressed into a fussy bad sleeping phase, and it is comforting to know that is is normal.
Posted by: laura | February 22, 2008 at 08:22 AM
He's such a cutie! Isn't it amazing how fast they change? When I see newborns now it blows me away, because Ali is just so different... it's strange to think that six months ago he was a tiny little feeding sleeping bundle, because now he is so big and squirmy and has so much personality.
The sleep thing is tough, and especially if you're going back to work soon. Ali still has 1 and 4am feeds, but I think that maybe because he's a big baby he really needs the food. Here's hoping that when we start solids next month he'll sleep for more than 4 hours! All the babies I know who slept really well from an early age were on formula.
Re: strollers... I have a Maclaren, and it's the only one I've used but I'm happy with it. It's light and folds up small. The big three wheelers are better for pushing on grass, but they can get stuck in supermarket aisles and are no good for buses (or Sydney buses, at least). That's my 2c worth!
Posted by: suzy | February 22, 2008 at 09:10 AM
Happy four months of Jake! He is too cute for words.
Posted by: kirsten | February 22, 2008 at 11:13 PM