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April 14, 2008



Hey Kat!!!
Jake is just the cutest thing!!! I love his gorgeous little face! Hats off to you girl for dealing with having to drag yourself away from him every work morning! I honestly dont know how you do it! I love his little rosey cheeks too!
Thanks for sharing the photos! hugs, nic


He is such a cutie.
How are you going being back at work? Does your brain work? Mine totally doesn't and Ali is 7 months old now... I'm starting to worry it's ruined forever.

Fuji Mama

Love the fashion show! You have to take advantage of it now before he starts telling you what he wants to wear. Love the handknit cuteness!


OMG...so cute!!! I love the first shot the most! Adorable!


oh my goodness- how cute is he?! those hats, those furrowed brows ... no wonder it's hard to go back to work! my best to you and the family.


little jake is just so cute it hurts! ;) i love his placid and happy expression. he looks so mellow! i bet it's hard to leave him every morning. xo.


He's got the best cheeks! Don't turn your back on him...someone might decide to take him home!


Seems that Jake does not like hippos! :) Those hat pictures are hilarious!


I don't think Jake really enjoyed trying on all those hats. It seems quite cruel and mean to dress him up like that. I feel very concerned about both your parenting skills.

Love Mok


One good lookin dude!!!!
I am backing him 100%

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