A couple of years ago when J was just a twinkle in his father's eye and I was madly buying up as many Anti-Factory garments possible, the multi-talented visual artist behind AF, Stephanie Syjuco, started the Counterfeit Crochet Project.
I participated in the project and crocheted a Louis Vuitton belt and had big ideas to do a bag too, but the yarn is still sitting in the cupboard. It may eventuate one day. Counterfeit Crochet is an ongoing project so if the idea of crocheting a name brand bag sounds like 'something you might be interested in', you should check out the details on the site and contact Stephanie.
It has attracted a lot of attention and last year the CCP travelled to Beijing, Istanbul (particularly jealous that my belt made it to Turkey without me), and Manila. I've been meaning to blog about this for ages so I'm glad that I've finally found the time. Congrats to Stephanie on the success of CCP!