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November 17, 2008



pretty! silk garden is nice and soft, maybe you could try that?

btw, you are looking very trim young lady!


that is gorgeous! i really need to learn crochet...


How funny! I was just looking at the exact same pattern yesterday. Of course, this means I need to re-learn how to crochet again. Great FO. Now I'm more inspired than ever.


OMG, love it! Would make a perfect birthday present for oh, say, no-one in particular, no-one with a birthday coming up in a week or so......

Steph VW

What a fun scarf! There are times when I wish I knew how to crochet... this would be one of them!


I looooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvve that scarf...wish I was a crocheter!


such a great scarf!

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