My very talented husband made an e-zine about our roadtrip in Australia. Check it out!
Although I loved the snow on Saturday, my heart will always be where the warm weather is...
In knitting news (yes, I still do knit) I am working on Forecast by Stephanie Japel. I will be adapting the sleeves as Winnie did for hers and I will also add a few inches to the length of the body. Oh and I also opted for plain unmirrored 4x4 cables instead of the bobbles and braided cables...basically because I am lazy and don't want to have to refer to the chart. I happened to have a full bag of Rowan Cork in light blue so I am using that. I would prefer a red cardie, but hooray to me for using stash. I'm nearly finished the body so I should have an FO soon.
Oh and I'm so excited because I finally got to sign up for Alison's Sockapalooza event!!! Go now and sign up too - you've got 23 hours to do so!
Oh and lastly here's one of my most recent FOs - Squarey from you know where. I finished up squarey in Australia and gave him to my mum for Christmas - I think he was a hit!!
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